Sunday, August 8, 2010


Art by Sammy Britt
I am a vessel. I am filled by a kind word, a gentle touch, watching another person rise up out of the ashes to overcome, kisses from my grandchildren, divine revelations, answered prayers, art, music, quiet moments at home, walking in the woods, connections with another creative spirit.
These are the things that fill me up. They fill my heart and they fill my life. These are the things that make me grateful. And these are the gifts I sacrifice and pour out into the hearts and lives of others so that they too can be filled.

There is joy in the sacrifice. And with every emptying of my life for another comes a fresh filling so that I can do it all over again.

1 comment:

  1. And with every emptying of my life for another comes a fresh filling so that I can do it all over again- Love this. I just need to better at letting Jesus fill me up again and again and again!
